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Friday, February 9, 2024

Help For a Toothache

 I have no idea why there would have be a day dedicated to a toothache. The truth is if you have ever had a toothache then you know that the pain is real and it is not fun. But if you have a toothache then perhaps you could use a few tips to relieve the pain from a toothache. 

Saltwater rinse is one thing you can do until you can get to dentist. Swish warm, salty water around in your mouth. A simple mix of 1/2 teaspoon table salt in 8 ounces of water will help you out. Remember do not swallow. In addition to rinsing floss around your sore tooth to remove any bits of food that may be stuck.

One popular natural remedy is to mix clove oil and garlic and apply to gums to help numb the gums. If the pain continues for a couple of days it is very important to head to the dentist for more care. 

Wheat grass juice also acts as a good toothache pain relief. It can be used as a mouth wash or it can also be chewed in order to get rid of the pain.

Black pepper is good for toothache as well as bad breath. A paste of black pepper and salt, applied on the cavity tooth, can do wonders.

Vanilla extracts too can be used to make the aching area numb, thus reducing the pain. Dried peppermint leaves are also good for a toothache. Place these leaves around the tooth for around 10 to 15 minutes (and do this for at least 10 to 15 times) and then throw it out. This acts as a good painkiller and stops toothache pain fast.

The use of an ice pack can also help reduce pain and swelling. 

Do you have a simple toothache remedy? What is it?

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  1. I had one once and it was worse than labor. The labor pains I forgot, the toothache I still remember. I couldn't get to a dentist right away and the only thing that worked was baking soda and water. It only worked a few seconds, but man that was a welcome few seconds. Tooth aches are the worst.

  2. I hate toothaches. Only thing worse is stomach aches. I use Tylenol and a numbing cream that is over the counter.

  3. This are all helpful. Many people really have a toothache every day.

  4. Love all of these tips to help with toothaches. Sometimes it's good to have some ideas to help soothe before you can actually get to a dentist.

  5. Oh my god, one of the worse nightmare to have and I had it for days. It was bad and like you said the pain is real.


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