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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Kid inventors

Watching kids play could give you a sense that they never run out of energy and have to run it out as where else would all that energy go. The other side of this is a child's wonder, imagination and how they see what is out there. Similar to an inventor the qualities some children hold are awesome to say the least. Perhaps that is why children have helped invent some of today's inventions that you would never have thought possible by a child let alone a child inventor

One such invention came from an 11 year old during the winter of 1905. His name was Frank Epperson. His invention occurred as a result of nature but became one that was loved then and now both. One night Frank mixed a combo of soda water powder and water placed the stirring stick inside to stir and got sidetracked as many kids and children do and forgot the mix outside where it froze. What happened next was the first ever popsicle. 

It did not become a sensation overnight but rather it would take a few years under Epperson belt to grow up a little and share his fortunate error at a firemans ball. The name popsicle came about from his children 

Another kid inventor came up with this system as a need to communicate. Louis Braille at the young age of 3 caught an eye infection that would leave him blind. He tried his best to read via running his finger over raised letters. This as you can imagine was terribly difficult. Later when Louis was 12 years of age he heard about a method of communication that was used by the French military. From this pre-established system Louis Braille would simplify and come up with a system that would allow him to read a bit easier. He would present his work in 1924 from there it would gain popularity as the braille system that allowed blind to communicate world why

Third kid inventor I want to introduce to you goes by the name of Albert Sadacca. He was the son of a couple who owned novelty light shop. During the 1920s and earlier years individuals who decorate christmas tree using candles for light. There were a few that had started to decorate with electric Christmas lights but it was very expensive to do so. Thus many stayed with candles lighting the Christmas tree. This is where Albert came in due to his invention of a version of electrical lights that were affordable. Today Christmas trees with lights are very common during the season. 

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  1. Thank you for sharing your post with us at The Crazy Little Love Birds link party #21.


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