Friday, August 14, 2009

Hi There


This is a picture that is of my niece. She is standing up at the coffee table. Wow how they change so quickly. Many say that this little one looks like my granddaughter Princess but this little gal is more of a Diva than Princess. She has to be she has 2 older brothers to whip on.

I am sharing this picture at the meme Give Me Your Best Shot on the blog Better In Bulk


  1. Your Niece is adorable. Love your blog!

  2. This shot reminds me so much of a picture I took of my now-6 y/0 daughter when she first started pulling up on the furniture! So cute.

  3. AW! My monkey (baby #3) is pulling herself up on everything and anyone around!

  4. She is just beautiful : ) I love her sweet little cheeks and arms! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Babies melt my heart : )


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