Friday, August 14, 2009

Aloha Friday August 14,2009

We have found many great back to school sales as of late. One of our best was the shoes the boys bought for nearly 1/2 price at Sears. The girls found great sale on shoes at Payless for B1G1 1/2 off and they were great shoes. We also found wonderful deals at Debs for my daughter where she found clothes 60% off.
My question is:
what is the best deal you have found of late?
Play along with Aloha Friday at An Island Life


  1. Postcards for 5 cents. I'm waiting for candy prices to drop to the 1950's price,lol.

  2. I haven't really been looking for deals since I'm concentrating on using up our stockpile before we move. However, I did pick up a bunch of peaches cheap at the produce stand last weekend. Sorry, I can't remember exactly how much I paid.

  3. I wish I could answer this. I don't look for sales ever. I just buy what I want when I need it LOL...bad habit but it's always how i've been. Aloha ;)

  4. Bought lots of deals at Staples that will be free with Easy Rebates, also some 1 cent deals. Last weekend also got my oldest some Arizona Jeans at JC Penney for $7 with all of the sales and things. Saved over $120 when I was done and spent under $70.

  5. Hmmmm... I am not sure. I got cookies last night buy one get one free, LOL!

  6. We recently bought my son shoes for $18 which were originally marked @ $120. Of course it helped that I don't think anyone else down here wears a size 13 men's shoe!

  7. I found some khaki shorts for my son for about $8 each at an outlet so I bought six pairs. They were quality name brand too.

  8. I bought a season of a TV show on Amazon for 12.49 or something. Yay! :)

  9. I purchased a Vado video camera for $100 off what most websites were selling it for.

  10. I will say the free MARS chocolate


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post