Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Fragments August 14, 2009

Friday Fragments (and Friday's Freewrite) are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.

This week has been quite an adventure that has been traveling to fast. By this time next week all of my children will be back in school and I will have another child move out of my house. This is a great week but sad at the same time.

This week I realized that the little store just down the road has the best hamburger and meat around. While a bit pricey (just a bit more than chain stores) we can buy meat that taste fresher and cooks up better. I can truly say that the home town actions of this lil shop are ones that I love as well.

This week we went back to school shopping with my teens. This year we allowed them to purchase their own needed items using their own money. Some liked that idea and others truly did not. Mom did not use her money to buy a thing for them. They looked for the sales, good deals and for products that would last them for a while. In the long run I was very pleased with what they did.

My daughter who is a mother and a wife and runs her own household pleases me as well. I love the fact that she calls me up and tells me how she is saving money, taking care of her child and running her own household. This makes me think that I may have done something correct. Next week my first son will move out of the house. While he will live in the dorms where he will be fed the rest will be on his own, he will attend class, work a part time job and take care of himself. I am a bit sad that this time has come but at the same time know in my heart he will be just fine. He will live 3 hours away from me and come home only occasionally. This will be very different since my son is always home, never gone and I will miss him.

My daughter, the newest high school graduate, purchased her books for classes at the Jr college this week. I know that she will be the next one to leave. I will make this year count as she will be the third one out the door. My gosh my mother was right children are like ladybugs they grow up and fly away.

I made chilli for supper. Can you believe that the middle of summer and they are requesting Chilli. It was good though and a big pot of it feels everyone up. It takes no more to make chilli than it does to make any other great meal. I have learned one thing over the years though and that is that everyone has their own recipe for chilli.

Talking about recipes I think it is funny how my daughter, me and my mother all make different foods. There is a bit of each of our child hoods that we take with us but mainly we all find our own grooves. I love ground beef, my mom loves pasta and my daughter rice. Now let me tell you some of the recipes that I am told about sound great and I try to copy but they do not taste like the person that told me about it. I guess it is true no one cooks like the person besid them.

these were my fragments for this week. Please add your own or read others on the blog Half Past Kissin Time and Ordinary and Awesome and Conversion Diary


  1. Great list. Sounds like you have a lot of transition going on right now....but it's all positive.

    Hallie :)

  2. You're right on the chili - it's never the same from person to person! And I know I've changed a lot from my mom's style of cooking - it'll be interesting to see what my daughter's style is!

  3. Oh, the tough stuff of mothering--letting them go. Sounds like you're preparing them well though.

  4. Thankfully, I am a much better cook than my mom (God love her.)

    It sounds like you've done a great job raising your ladybugs :) Good job! :)


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