Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Pizza Soup

 Pizza Soup

--2 jar (14 oz) of pizza sauce
--3 empty jars full of water (this time I used lg can of tomato juice- much better)
--3 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
--1 fresh, chopped jalapeno
--1 lg red onion, chopped
--1 jar sliced mushrooms
-- 2 lg can petite diced tomatoes
-- 3 lb ground turkey or beef or Italian sausage-any kind (turkey, chicken, pork,etc whatever meat you prefer
--1 lg sliced pepperoni, sliced in quarters or as circles
--8 fresh basil leaves, chopped (or 1 T dried)
--1 T dried oregano
--1/2 to 1/3 cup of dried pasta (I don't add the pasta to the soup...I let people add it themselves)
--shredded mozzarella cheese (to add later as a topping)

Use a large Crockpot for this recipe. Serves 10-12 hungry adults with leftovers. Wash and prepare veggies. Dump them into the crockpot. Cut up the sausage into small pieces--I sliced, then cut the pieces in fourths (or dump in the other meat raw as it will cook in the crockpot) Add to crockpot. Cut up the pepperoni, add it, too. Add basil and oregano. Pour in the pizza sauce, and follow with three empty jars of water (or lg can of tomato juice). Cover and cook on low for 7-9 hours for the flavors to meld. Thirty minutes before serving, add the dry pasta. It can take 20-30 min to cook. I prefer to make the pasta separate and let people add it to their soup.

Garnish/top with shredded mozzarella cheese. Serve w/ garlic bread! YUMMY-OOOoohh

I found this recipe here

shared this post at this facebook group


  1. This Pizza soup recipe is such a beautiful short recipe. I can't wait to try.

  2. I didn't know pizza soup was a thing! It sounds pretty tasty though, I will give it a try.

  3. I love pizza with mushrooms. But I never thought we could cook pizza soup. What a brilliant idea and fun way to serve a hot meal for kids.

  4. i didn't know pizza soup was a thing! it sounds amazing, i'll be adding all my fav toppings.

  5. This is a brilliant idea to make pizza soup. So tasty and delicious and totally scrumptious.

  6. Pizza soup is a fantastic idea! I love that there's no bread involved as I typically avoid pizza dough.

  7. So creative, warming, and filling. What a great idea for fall.

  8. This sounds like something different and also very tasty too.

  9. Might have to try this on one of our pizza nights and switch it up.

  10. Your pizza soup recipe looks really good and tasty. Aside from that, it is so easy to make!

  11. Nnniiccceeeee....I am not leaving your blog without your pizza soup recipe! I am so tired of having tomato sauce on my's time to have some real sauce there.


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