Tuesday, October 10, 2023

October great time to spend more time with family and friends around the table

 October is the time of year when life starts to settle down a bit. Summertime will find our growing family where my children are grown and my grandchildren ranging from 4 to 14 are often busy as well. By the time fall gets here I am ready to settle down just a bit and take a deep breath and catch up with family. Others must feel the same way as October has been known as Eat better, Eat together month. 

Food has been celebrated for centuries and shared in groups possibly even longer. There has been historical individuals to be remembered by food as well. The Earl of Sandwich, a notorious gambler that never wanted to leave the table to get something to eat. Thus the sandwich was invented so that he would not have to leave the table, rather be able to sit and play cards longer. 

Not all of us have the same schedule and some may not be able to sit around the table at dinner time with the family. This should not be an excuse as there are other times such as breakfast, brunch, or even lunch where we can join together and enjoy a meal. At other times when we join together at banquets, barbqs, holiday meals or parties we can get together and enjoy the food while catching up with each other. In addition, it may help us pay more attention to what we eat, our manners and etc... 

Helping each other prepare the meal, set the table, clean up the meal etc... is always great as well. This may be found to be a great time to truly communicate with each other as well. It is a great idea to get a routine where meals are prepared, served and cleanup is done. 

So better eating and chatting to you. Make sure everyone has a fair chance to share their opinion and any topic (considering) that they would like to talk about. 

shared here and here


  1. I miss meal time around the table with the family. Now that my kids are grown it’s just me and hubby

  2. This is such a great way to bond with family members in this ever busy world. Also, I would forbid "politics" conversation on the dinner table ;)

  3. Food offers such a great connection for family and friends. This time of year is wonderful to enjoy comfort food around the dinner table.

  4. I love the idea of spending time at the table with family. Growing up this was always a family time together.


  5. Joining together for meals is one of my favorite childhood memories. We don't do it. We used to.

  6. I love October because it the start the festival season. Families and Friends get together.

  7. My daughter does a fall high school sport, and she has practice or games 6 days a week. It makes it tough to put together a dinner together. I do miss having regular meals together.

  8. Ooohh yes, I love my calendar from September till January. That is when the year is ending and we are winding up our year, ready to rest!

  9. Spending time at the table with the family is one of the greatest pleasures in my life. Thank you so much for sharing this article. Great read!

  10. I always tried to make as many meals as possible family meals. It's one of the best times to connect.

  11. We make all of our dinners family time. There's no TV, no devices, and no eating in their rooms.

  12. I grew up in the south, so dinner time as always family time. So was lunch on the weekends. I"m a big believer in doing that whenever possible.

  13. Annie, I love your message! I love gathering together for any meal.
    Thanks bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.


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