Wednesday, April 22, 2020

wednesday hodgepodge

1. What's something you resolved to do this year? Have you done it?

This year we had resolved to start a family business. About 20 years ago I had my own shop and really liked it. My children now grown adults wanted to open a shop similar to that and also attend flea markets and make money the way the family used to. Yes we all still had our day jobs (well some of us work nights) We are all in the health care field and the work is long and often hard so this new business would offer an outlet of sorts. 

We started and were preparing then the "stay at home" order occurred and had us all staying at home, shutting our small business down and canceling the festivals etc... that we planned to attend. 

Hopefully when this is all over we can pick back up and begin again
2. Where do you go to find quietude?

Our quiet place is the river. It is nearly an hour drive but getting there is so enjoyable and a time to get away. The ride is relaxing and if I am not driving I may just steal a bit of sleep as well. We sit down on the river side to enjoy the boats, water, and whatever may be going on at the time. 

3. A friend asked this question on her Facebook page and said I could borrow it for the're only allowed to buy 5 things at the grocery store, and all must start with the first letter of your first name. Whatcha' buying?

Angelfood cake so delicious and perfect and soft one of my favorite cakes
apples are a great treat as well, nutritious and so plentiful in southern IL
Archway cookies oh my around since my childhood and able to put a smile on
A&W rootbeer because I need something to drink and it is also the name of a restaurant I love
andies mints perfect for good breath and a sweet treat as well

4. The television show Survivor, the Gloria Gaynor song 'I Will Survive', survival mode, survival of the fittest...pick one and discuss.

Survival mode is the short-term, fear-based mode of thinking you enter when your fight-or-flight response is triggered. It's the poisonous mentality that leads you to attack or retreat during stressful times rather than communicate and embrace

This is how I often feel during this crazy time in the world. First it seemed like a death sentence that the world had been given it was a time to gather your own and make sure all was cared for Even now while there are more survivors it is still scary. I work in the health care field and know many tactics but truly no one has answers So while we do retreat we are all starting to fight back for our way of life. 
5. Share a favorite quote or saying about strength.

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  1. I had forgotten about Archway cookies! They were really very good ... a lot like homemade.

    Looks as if we have similar places to enjoy for quietude (love that word!).

  2. Your quiet place sounds so peaceful, I too like to sit near water.
    Great thoughts you have shared.

  3. Sounds like a very nice getaway to enjoy peace and quiet. Thank you for your visit to my Hodgepodge post. Hope you can start your business full speed ahead when this quarantine ends. I so enjoy thrifting!


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