Monday, March 23, 2020

Have You Ever Heard of Pink Eyed Peas?? Try them in this great soup recipe

Now you may be familiar with black eyed peas but have you ever heard of pink eyed peas?? Before I wrote this post they were something I was unfamiliar with as well. When I saw the recipe called for either black eyed or pink eyed peas I knew I had to find out more.

Growing pretty much like the peas and beans that are common in the garden pink eyed peas hulls start out green and then turn into a purplish shade. 

Preparing pink eyed peas can be as easy as substituting in your favorite recipe or there are several other ways to enjoy them as well. Today I shared this soup recipe perfect as I said for black eyed or pink eyed peas. 

2 1/2 pounds fresh black-eyed or pink-eyed peas, shelled (3 cups)*
3 cups water
2 large beef bouillon cubes
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 (16-ounce) package kielbasa, sliced, browned, and drained (optional)

Bring first 4 ingredients and, if desired, sausage to a boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat; simmer 40 minutes or until tender. Serve with Sweet Onion Relish.

*1 (16-ounce) package frozen black-eyed peas may be substituted. Reduce cooking time to 30 minutes or until tender.

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