Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tasty Way To Eat Cashews

A great way to flavor cashew nuts with wasabi and mustard for hotness. The Japanese use the same flavors for sushi. You can find wasabi in a dry powder form and is perfect to use in this cashew recipe. Wasabi paste can not be used in this recipe. If wasabi can not be found then by all means use mustard powder.

100 gms Cashew Nuts Uncooked
1/2 Teaspoon Wasabi Powder
1 Teaspoon Oil
Pinch of Salt

As with yesterdays Tom Yum cashew nuts, dry fry the nuts to brown them. This takes a few minutes over a low heat, watch them carefully, keep moving them around so they don't burn in one place, and turn off the heat as soon as they're toasted. Be careful, there can be enough residual heat in the pan to burn the nuts, even after the heat is off.
Add a teaspoon of oil and mix this with the nuts in the pan, so the nuts are completely covered with a thin film of oil.
Sprinkle with salt, and taste them. You can salt them at this stage to your own preference.
Leave to go cold. I can't emphasize this enough, wasabi loses it's strength when it's heated. You must let the nuts go cold before seasoning with the wasabi powder.
Once they're cold, take a sieve, put a half teaspoon of the wasabi powder in the sieve and tap the powder over the nuts, turn them over and tap the remaining powder over the other side. The sieve is to prevent lumps of wasabi powder which are unpleasant to eat.
Taste and add more wasabi powder if it's not strong enough.

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