Monday, July 2, 2018

Happy Belated Birthday Canada

Our neighbor to the north , Canada, celebrated a grand - day this week. July 1st, 2018 Canada celebrated it's 151st birthday. In 1867 the Constitution of Canada was signed, uniting the colonies of  the providence of Canada. The colonies Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada would all be under British control.

The date of July 1st was originally known as Dominion Day but in 1982 became known as Canada Day. The same year the Canada Act was passed allowing celebrations to take place all through the country as well as in places around the world.

Canada is more than a land of ice and snow. The summers in Canada will find temperatures over 100 degrees in the southern regions of Canada. Most hot summer days are normally in the 90s.

The second largest country in the world, Canada is located on the North America continent. To the south you will find the United States of America , while the rest of the country is surrounded by water. The Pacific, Arctic, and the Atlantic Oceans surround the country of Canada The country itself is made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Nunavut is the newest territory established in 1999. Pronounced Noon-a-voot it is around 2 million square miles.

picture courtesy of ABC news

The capital of Canada is Ottawa, Ontario. The first prime minster of Canada was John A. Mcdonald. The current Canadian prime minister is Justin Pierre James Trudeau. The leader of the Liberal Party since 2013 Trudeau is the 23rd current Prime Minister of Canada.

The Canadian maple leaf is the emblem found on the flag of Canada. The beaver is another emblem of Canada. The young country of Canada was over ran by beavers, a few millions. Beaver skin was highly sought after in England for beaver skin hats. 

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