Friday, May 4, 2018

Star Wars Day

I was in grade school when the first episode of Star Wars arrived on scene. Many of my friends loved it and played as if they were Han Solo or Darth Vader on recess. My parents never took us to see the movie thus I played as if I was Princess Lei with the other girls but ha no idea who she really was. So after all these years why is Star Wars such a popular movie claiming May 4th as their day. 
Star Wars was the leader of the modern pop culture to come around. Luke, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Yoda and the rest made a huge impact on the movie watchers. The characters continue to be relevant in pop  culture. The first Star Wars movie was released in 1977. It was directed by George Lucas. That was the first movie but there were more to come. 
May 4th is Star Wars Day. It is celebrated all around the world by Star War fans every where. May the Force be With you is a saying from Star Wars that often means good luck, to those who believe in the force. As a play on words May 4th became the day to celebrate Star Wars. 

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