Sunday, January 14, 2018

March of Dimes

My Story:::
Our family was a large one and many thought that it may possibly had been a Catholic family. The truth was the my father was Catholic but my mother was Baptist. That had no real decision in how many children they had as they loved having a large family. Along the way they had some issues such as my oldest brother passing of SIDS and when I was a teen we lost one of my younger brothers. The love of these babies brought much sorrow but there were groups that would come to help.

I recall both the shiners and the march of dimes making plans to help the baby over com the issues he was plagued with. After the baby passed they were still there helping mom cope. March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. They believe that every baby deserves the best possible start and are trying to change the stories where that did not happen.

March of Dimes:
March of Dimes have helped millions of babies survive and thrive. It does not matter the age, socio-economic background, or demographics they all deserve help. March of Dimes legacy helps to bring hope to those families that think there is no where else to go. March of Dimes helps support moms through pregnancy by advocating for good health. They have helped make true improvements to care moms receive as well as research for solutions to help both mom and baby with some of the biggest health threats.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt struggled with polio latter led to the creation of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis This was the start of March of Dimes and the cure for the disease. The fight for birth defects, premature birth and infant death with innovations like newborn screenings, education for medical professionals, and public about best practices as well as lifesaving research. Along with health issues March of Dimes does not forget about providing comfort and support to families in NICUs and advocated for those who needed us most, moms and babies.

March of Dimes is committed to guide moms through every stage of the pregnancy journey. The fight for the babies and to advocate for their health is the mission. March of Dimes uses the tools, technology and knowledge that is needed to build a bright future for all. March of Dimes has been helping individuals since the era of War  War II

History of March of Dimes:

March of Dimes was born on the eve of World War II. The mission was known as National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. March of Dimes took on the act with enthusiasm and their popularity grew. .It was an era of hard struggles with the titanic, war and much else. March of Dimes was aided by radio, Hollywood and the personal appeal of the president. In the early years little was known about polio but through virus research the disease would be researched. The research would be followed up in North Africa. In 1949 a huge polio epidemic would occur and the March of Dimes would be up and running through volunteers and had on itself became a grass roots movement.

Through much research and great doctors and leaders a vaccine for polio would be found. This vaccine would be tested on American school children in 1954.More than a million school children would become known as "polio pioneers" Polio would decline after the introduction of the vaccine. July 22, 1958 birth defects would be announced as the new mission of the March of Dimes. A new strategy to cope with birth defects would be a swift change. Since that time the March of Dimes has helped babies, moms and families from these early days and continues to fight on.

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