Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hodge Podge Wednesday

1 January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you've given or received.

It really depends on what I am getting compliment for and from who. I will always say thank you but depending on the first two I will either bow out or continue talking. I get compliments on my work skills a lot, that makes me feel real good

2. Ten little things I am loving right now

  1. my home, I am trying to be more organized and give more love to the way the home looks
  2. my husband, always and forever 
  3. my children all 6 of them trying to battle the world, I love when they ask advice , when they are successful and even when they need a bit of help
  4. my grand children each day growing just a bit I love that I have been allowed so much time with them
  5. the weather, currently it is still cool winter weather but not bone chilling and no snow or ice
  6. my job and the fact we just passed our state survey and did awesome
  7. the fact that my grandson has a girlfriend and shared the story with me like this :"It's not my idea" when I asked what he meant he stated that she walked up to him and said "you are now my boyfriend," I asked what he did he said "I said o.k"
  8. I have went down 3 pant sizes since fall, Yeah!!!!
  9. my daughter got a good report at the dr's office She had cancer a few years ago and has to go every so often all checked out well.
  10. My other daughter has found out why she has headaches. She visited the eye dr. who stated it was an eye astigmatism and glasses would help. If you have headaches a lot and have not visited eye dr in some time then you should.

3 Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way?

Positive and when I am not they ask what is wrong. I try to stay positive , sing songs of praise as I believe God created us to be happy. I have been reminded though, it is ok to be angry as even Jesus was occasionally. 

4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?

They each offer their own appeal. The chicken noodle soup is one that offers a yummy and homey feeling making one feel warm and comfortable. Beef stew to me is more filling with its beef chunks and warm gravy. Chili is a great dish yummy, warm and filling there are many restaurants that serve this dish as well. Our family enjoys more chili than the other two as there are so many great ways to make it. 

The best part of my day is....

On most work days it is coming home to a family that I love and I know loves me. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

with all the violence going on in this world I often wonder why. The school shooting has made me state my opinion more than once. I was a parent that was always present and now, I am a grand-parent that is. I love my family and I believe there are many others that do as well. 

I just can not figure how a teen got hold of a gun and no one knew. I was always present with my children through their lives. If they were teens they very seldom were out of my sight If they went somewhere alone, I expected a call when they got there and had all ready arranged or talked to the individual in charge to where they went. My children were always out in the public attending events. I often went with them, I never wanted them to miss out but always worried about their safety. This brings me to another current event, how is it that a large family could go under the gun without anyone noticing that they did not see all the family members. Why?? would this ever happen?? My prayers with all involved. 

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