Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thanksgiving Veggie Tray

2 green peppers, sliced in thin strips
1 lb baby carrots
1 (16 ounce) bag celery, cut in short strips
1 (32 ounce) jar baby dill pickles
1 (16 ounce) jar green olives
1 (16 ounce) can black olives
1 pint grape tomatoes
1 pint vegetable dip

Put the container of veggie dip on the bottom of the tray. This will be the head.
Arrange the green pepper strips along the outer edge of the serving tray, but don't cover the bottom.
Then add each layer of veggies, overlapping the previous layer. Don't cover the bottom of the tray. These first layers of veggies are supposed to look like the turkey's back feathers. Carrots, then celery, then baby pickles.
Put the tomatoes on one side of the dip, and a few on the top of the dip. Then arrange the olives to be the rest of the turkey neck.
Put a few pimentos from the olives on the dip to look like eyes. I used a piece of green olive to look like the beak

resource here

shared at
inspire me monday


  1. I am in charge of the veggie tray every year, that is really cute!

  2. This is just adorable! So perfect for little kids to grab something healthy when they're too excited to sit down and eat at grandma's!

  3. I love it!! Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party!


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