Sunday, October 29, 2017

Would You Know If Someone Was Having A Stroke

A stroke occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. It is like a "brain attack" that deprives brain cells of oxygen and begins to die. If brain cells do die off during a stroke the brain loses abilities that were controlled by that area of the brain. This may include memory, muscle control among others.

An individual who suffers a stroke may be affected in a variety of ways. This all depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much of the brain is damaged. Small strokes may only have minor problems where larger strokes may be permanently paralyzed on one side of their body or ability to speak. It is possible to recover from a stroke but more than 2/3 of those who survive a stroke will have a disability.

Most if not all of us know an individual that has suffered at least one stroke. An average of 800,000 individuals will experience a new or recurrent stroke. In the next minute someone will have suffered a stroke. In the next 4 minutes someone will die from a stroke. Strokes are the leading cause of adult disability in the United States. This is why we must help get out the information about strokes and support those who have all ready suffered. Up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented.

F: Face drooping. Ask the person to smile, and see if one side is drooping. One side of the face may also be numb, and the smile may appear uneven.

A: Arm weakness. Ask the person to raise both arms. Is there weakness or numbness on one side? One arm drifting downward is a sign of one-sided arm weakness.

S: Speech difficulty. People having a stroke may slur their speech or have trouble speaking at all. Speech may be incomprehensible. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence and look for any speech abnormality.

T: Time to call 9-1-1! If a person shows any of the symptoms above, even if the symptoms went away, call 9-1-1 and get the person to a hospital immediately.

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