Tuesday, August 8, 2017

tips save some money

August for many is the last month of summer. So it would b no surprise to find summer wear on sale. Summer clothes have been on sale for a few weeks and by time August comes around shops are ready to move it out. Its a great time to shop for next year remember to buy a size or two up for children.

Back to school time often means that computers will be needed. Many like to have that power at their fingertips and that is why new computers are always coming on the market. If you dont mind lagging a bit behind others to save some money then consider shopping for models that may not be as new.

Whether you are heading back to school or not its a great time to stock up on back to school (office) supplies. Great deals on pens, pencils, notebooks etc.. will help you save lots of money.

Fall and the holidays are all ready in the minds of merchants. In order to make room to display the new merchandise its time for other items to go. Often this means that grills will be on sale in August but even better sales may be found in September after labor day.

August is a great time to shop for fruits and veggies. Many are in season at this time and its cheaper and healthier to get fresh produce in season. Available in the month of August are apricots, blackberries, kiwi, melons, nectarines, peaches, raspberries, tomatoes, broccoli, cucumber, peas , watercress and more.

You may be noticing that air conditioners may be on sale. Be watching as price normally continues to drop in August

inspiration monday
inspire monday 


  1. I love your thought process! I use to buy all four of my children's heavy winter wear in February for the following year. Snowsuits, coats, boots, jogging outfits, long sleeve and long pants. Winter PJ's, gloves, sweaters and I would save so much. Also in Aug and Sept buy sale or clearance t shirts or short sleeve shirts wear them for Sept then get out the heavy stuff I bought so cheap the year before since we live in NY where Oct is cold.

    1. you are so right, get the buying done early when it is cheap. Thanks for your comment and tips

  2. This was useful information for sure. I often buy a few things for next year and stock em up.

  3. I love buying things right after the event or holiday happens. I have a few totes I keep in my basement with these extras

  4. Yasss! The ultimate end of summer bargain shopping guide. I love getting good deals on stuff we need and I have no problem stashing it away, until it's needed.

  5. Great tips, we are trying to get a few more months out of our AC to see what we can save at the end of the season.

  6. Make a plan is the best way to save money. I like the way you think about the air conditioners, I just knew about that fact.

  7. I absolutely love the money saving tips! I do like to bulk buy things that I can preserve and it saves on cost.

  8. Thanks for raising awareness about the month of August and the deals that are available. When in need of back-to-school items, your conditioners and the like August is definitely a great month to go looking.

  9. I actually have most of my Christmas shopping done by August. And sometimes we have a tax free weekend in August which is a big help!

  10. This post was so helpful! I love saving money year round.

  11. I love money saving tips! I'm always going to need post its and other office supplies for work.

  12. Wow love these tips! I would have never thought of some of these but great tip for the air conditioner.

  13. I too thinking of buying school supplies earlier this time. so that I won't getting to mad rush at the end and save some money. Thanks for sharing the wonderful tips.

  14. Great tips! Thanks for bring this to my attention. I need to think about starting early.

  15. What a helpful post! Saving money is super important, no-one wants to go broke. Thanks for sharing! :)

  16. We have a few months to go, but thanks for the tips!

  17. These are cool shopping tips! Are these applicable to any places, or onky in a particular cities?


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