Tuesday, August 8, 2017

International Cat Day

Today August 8th is International Cat Day. Are you a cat lover?? Do you hav a cat that you care for?? If so then you know that a cat has ways of being very independent but still desire to have needs met for them. You are the one that must meet the needs for your pet.

Keeping your cat safe may sound fairly easy but may be harder than you think. Cats love to play and are very adveenturous. They often are out exploring new places and you must be the one to make sure they stay safe. If your cat is an indoor cat then you will want to provide a litter box for them. When you let the cat outside make sure that your cat has a collar that has your information in case your cat would get lost.

Cats love to be petted, groomed and play with their owner. So whenever possible show them some atention Make sure to provide your cat with plenty of food and fresh water. Your vet should be able to inform you on what and how much food you should use for your cat.

If your cat should need any medical care you should take them to a vet. A vet will help with vaccinations and regular checkups. Spaying or neutering of your cat should also be discussed.

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life on lakeshore

1 comment:

  1. I have two cats that I adore very much. They're not very playful but they do like attention.


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