Saturday, August 19, 2017

Society Is Living Longer and fighting to be Happy

In the past 100 years the average life expectancy has increased by nearly 30 years in the United States. In fact most developed countries of the world are catching up to this ratio very quickly. Individuals born now can expect to live to see up to eight or more decades in their lives. This fact changes society in that adults 60 or older is growing rapidly in our population. So a new question arises: what should we do with those extra 20 to 30 years of life??

The well being and opportunities for seniors should not run out just because society population is getting older. Should the young generation strive to make plans for the future years?? The issue is that society often forgets about the population that finds itself enjoying longer life span. So politics evoke thoughts of the cost of the population getting older, how will this harm the current system.

Many individuals that are getting older are working longer. Some, however, find that there is no longer a role in society for them to play. While they are not useless seniors often feel as if others want to put them in a corner and act as though out of sight out of mind. Don't let this part of society be the next to meet discrimination. The older generation has experience and abilities to offeer. Lets not in case them because of their age as we should never let an individuals talents and achieveements become stagnated. Older adults may move a bit slower but they are so very important and we can learn so much

shared at
our mini family
tuesday talk

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