Thursday, June 15, 2017

Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Syndrome is a type of Tic Disorder. Tics are involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations. The entire group of disorders are neurodevelopmental conditions that are known as Tic Disorders. Individual groups of disorders exist with in this larger group. Tourette Syndrome, Chronic Tic Disorder and Provisional Tic Disorders are all Tic Disorders that have their own personal tic whether motor, vocal/phonic or both as well as how long the tic is present.

To qualify for the Tic Disorder to be Tourette Syndrome there mush have been at least two motor tics and at least on vocal / phonic tic that have existed more than a year. Chronic Tic Disorders only have either motor tics or vocal tics present for at least a year. Individuals who have had tics present for less than a year are considered to have Provisional Tic Disorder.

Those who suffer with Tourette's syndrome hae unwelcome behaviors that they can not control. 

Movements that occur during tics are considered motor tics. These movements may be eye blinking, facial grimacing, jaw movements, head bobbing or jerking, shoulder shrugging, neck stretching, and arm jerking. Complex motor tics involve multiple muscle groups or combination of movements Individuals with complex motor tics may appear to hop, twirl, jump etc...

Vocal or phonic tics produce a sound. It may be simple such as sniffing, throat clearing, grunting, hooting and shouting. It could be complex such as words or phrases whether recognized or not but always out of context. Some cases may appear to be inappropriate via using swear words, ethnic slurs or other socially unacceptable words. When the language is inappropriate the tic is known as coprlalia and while some believe this type of tic is common it truly only occurs in less than 20% Of individuals with vocal tics.

Because the disorder is very complex it is believed that the causes too are extremely complex. Many other disorders can be rooted from Tourette's disorder. Disorders such as OCD , impassivity, depression can all be found to be related to Tourettes 

Tourette's Syndrome is something that no one has ever asked for. No one has ever said "I will take a case of Tourettes so I will not be bored in life." Rather, Tourettes is a condition that many have to live with and many strive to not react when they can not control behaviors. Whether for embaressment or pain of the condition many strive to survive the hard days and enjoy the days of their lives like the rest of us. So next time that you may run into someone that has Tourettes and may behave a bit differently than others do not sit and stare because they can not control them. 

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