Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Junes Strawberry Madness and Recipe for Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake was something I have fond memories of during my childhood. My daddy who was a farmer at heart that grew a garden had a small strawberry patch that grew larger every year. The bulk of the strawberries that we made strawberry shortcake from were not from his patch but rather from a road side stand. The berries that did come out of his prized strawberry patch were very special and tasted sweeter than any I have ever had. Primarily because they were daddies.

I fondly remember mom making up strawberry shortcakes like the ones pictured above. These were normally reserved for the few berries that dad would pick from the small strawberry patch in the back garden. Other times mom would take time with a large mess of berries to create shortcake from scratch. But for the beauties that featured dads berries you may not have had many in your bowl but goodness for sure they tasted the best of all time.

Make up some Strawberry Shortcake for your self Follow this recipe



2 pints fresh strawberries, washed, stems removed, cut into segments lengthwise
8 vanilla cake shells
1 pint whipping cream
1 tablespoon 10x confectioners sugar
4-5 strawberries, halved with greens intact


Place strawberries in a bowl with 1 tablespoon of sugar and stir to combine. Let sit while preparing the homemade whipped cream.
For Fresh Whipped Cream
In a medium bowl whip heavy cream with a wire whisk until liquid has a heavy creamy consistency and begins to reach stiff peaks. Approximately 10-15 minutes – time varies on whipping speed and amount of breaks – you can do this! Shift in confectioners sugar and whisk to ensure completely combined. Do not over whip mixture as it will stiffen and take on a buttery quality.
To Completed Easy Strawberry Shortcake with Homemade Whipped Cream Dessert
Place sweetened strawberries onto vanilla cake bases to fill each just slightly over flowing. Add a tablespoon of fresh whipped cream and top each on with a strawberry half. Serve chilled. Store unused whipped cream in the refrigerator in an airtight container.
Serves 8 with additional strawberries

While we are discussing Strawberries may I ask if you caught a glance of Junes full moon commonly known as Strawberry moon

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