Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Can you tell I'm embracing a Cinco de Mayo theme here this week? Do you like Mexican food? What's your favorite dish? How about on the side-black beans, pinto beans, refried beans, rice? What about heat-mild, medium, hot? Will you celebrate with Mexican food and drink on May 5th aka Cinco de Mayo?

My son will celebrate this weekend so I am sure we will be celebrating in one way or another. Mexican food , yes our family loves it. We love dishes like the one in the picture above find the recipe here Beans or rice please your choice we seem to love them all. Heat level needs to stay at around a medium as we don't like hot summer days or hot food either. Yes, I believe we will visit one of our favorite Mexican style restaurants.

2. Ever been to Mexico? For work or holiday? Love it or no? If you haven't been is this a place you'd like to visit? Can you speak Spanish?

Not been there yet, maybe one day. NO I can not but my children speak the language quite well

3. What's one thing you may accomplish this month?

This month will be a bit of a challenge we are working on our garden area but the rain water holds us back

4. If you were mayor of your village, city, or town, what's one thing you'd like to see changed, done away with, revamped, or accomplished? Is serving in public office something you've ever seriously considered?

I do not believe I want to hold offic3 other than that of mom in my own house. My aunt has served before and loved it

5. What's something that may be popular, but that you just don't get?

I am sorry but while I think emojis are cute I do not truly understand why they are so popular or what some of them mean.

6. Can't let this week slip by without mentioning Thursday May 4th is Star Wars Day. As in 'May the 4th be with you' ahem. Are you a fan of the Star Wars series? Exactly how much of a fan are you? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being 'I've seen every film, own the action figures, might have dressed as Darth Vader for Halloween one year', and 1 being, 'what's a Vader?' -where do you land?

I would say a 5 I know the characters but the love I had for them when I was a kid is not the same now

7. Scroll back through your blog posts and in three sentences or less tell us the general theme of your fourth blog post. Does it still ring true today? Is it a topic you re-visit on your blog from time to time?

It was a Christmas card swap that I participated in 2008. The blog that hosted is no longer around but  I am still here.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Ha! I totally hear you abut the emojis. I frequently have to ask my kids what they are because I can't see them well enough! Thanks for dropping by today.

    1. glad there is someone that understands. Enjoyed my visit on your blog hope you come back and visit us again sometime

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog page and for leaving a comment. Have a great week.

    1. thank you for stopping by for a visit as well.


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