Saturday, April 30, 2016

Chunky Apple-Rhubarb Sauce with Dried Cranberries From EatingWell:  April/May 2005

This recipe is as sweet as much as it is savory and tart. It complements roasted pork and chicken. I would even suggest Sweet, savory and tart, this sauce is a natural complement to roasted pork or chicken. Rhubarb is also fresh in May and this recipe would go great with grilled meat as well. Enjoy

1 large green apple, such as Granny Smith, peeled and diced
2 cups diced rhubarb, (2-3 stalks)
1/4 cup diced red onion
1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice
2 tablespoons dried cranberries
1 tablespoon honey
1 1/4-inch-thick slice ginger, peeled
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar, or to taste

Combine apple, rhubarb, onion, apple juice, cranberries, honey and ginger in a medium saucepan. Cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the rhubarb is soft and the apple is tender but not mushy, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Stir in vinegar. Remove the ginger; serve the sauce warm, at room temperature or chilled.

Like many I find myself short of time most of the year. When spring comes there is even more to do. So if you are like me and like to be ahead of the game then here is a tip for you
Make, cover and chill for up to 5 days or freeze and have on hand for up to 1 month. Reheat in the microwave on high for about 2 minutes or warm in a saucepan over low heat.

A favorite Lady friend as well as a favorite recipes of ours.

There is hope that we can all reach our potential. Live for your dream and enjoy life. A great lady that has been in our life for the past 10+ years. She is a great cook that strives to be the past. Recently she was blessed to become the owner of a food truck with indoor sitting as well. Our own Mrs. Angie

One of her first recipes my kids fell in love with. While she will not give out her secret recipes I tried to duplicate it using taste alone. I hope you enjoy 


2 lb hamburger, brown
1 can rotel tomatoes
2 lb velvetta
2 c shredded cheese

melt last 3 together and mix n meat. You may add salsa if you wish but because my entire family does not like spices we meet somewhere in the middle. Anyways, dip tortilla chips in it and it taste great

Friday, April 29, 2016

It's Summer Time A Great Time To Work and then Play

Memorial day to many signifies the first day of summer. It is the day that I simply love. The local pool opens, grills are fired up and the weather is normally a day to enjoy as well. It is also the day that the season changes and time for seasonal organization. Keeping the items that need to be refrigerated on a special shelf in the fridge makes it easy to see what you need as well as no extra runs to the store. 

Do you have a swimming pool?? I bet you love having your own pool. It's a great time to get out there and enjoy the sun and have a bit of fun. Pools are also great way to exercise Preparing the pool and keeping in well taken care of could be a chore. There are a few things you can do to keep this chore to a minimum.  Organization once again can save the day. Keep all needed supplies such as chlorine testers, pool patches, brushes and anything that is needed to clean or use pool Keeping pool toys in a tub near the pool is yet another great way to know where all is. No more searching for that favorite toy is in your future if you keep all items where they should be. 

While summer is full of fun there are those chores that must be done but may not be fun. Mowing the grass, gardening, washing the car, cleaning out the garage and cleaning the pool. To make it a bit more fun have the whole family move in. With all getting involved the chores will take less time and make room for more fun. Create a chore schedule so that the whole family knows what must be done. Assign chores to family members will save time and energy as well. 

Family outings that are either free or low cost can often be easily located in your local newspaper. Fairs, festivals, outdoor concerts sporting events, library summer programs and more are normally free or low cost to enter. Find out what is going on in your neighborhood and take advantage of family fun time I am sharing a great list of ideas that I found on the great www 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Towel Tag review and giveaway

Most of us have been taught from a young age to be nice and to share. Well, that is a good line to learn  but there are things that we do not want to share. Germs would be on the top of the list along with head lice and other not so nice things to share. My mother always reminded me never use the items of others. I shared this same information with my own children.The problem is that it is not always the fault of our children. Some times, others use our towel without our permission or perhaps they believe it to be theirs. Towel Tags take the problem out of this. Towel tags offer an ID system where we can label our towels. 

Towel tags was invented out of necessity. A mother named Kathlyn was simply tired of washing towels daily as her sons were forgetful of which towel was theirs. The problem in our house is that no one likes to pick up their towel. The towel tag system helps to promote picking up their towel as everyone will know who's towel is who's. The other reason I love the towel tag is because our family often goes on retreats, camps and stay overs where we stay with others. Things often get misplaced and seemingly lost. Avoid the issues that I just identified. With the towel tag these items can now be I.D'd and losing and having to replace is over. 

Towel Tag ID's can be used against skin as they are soft to touch. They can be personalized and re-used again and again. A sheet of letter stickers included so that each towel will have a towel tag. Do you have pets?? There are also optional pet stickers that are available to remember what belongs to which pet. 

Towel tags can be used to put an I.D. on any item where you can connect it. Whether it be a lunch bag, backpack, towels, or jacket. Princess is in kindergarten and I noticed that many children use the same popular backpacks and lunch bags. A towel tag would allow your children to keep tract of their items allowing them to grow a bit of maturity. In addition many coats and jackets have loops to easily hang on a nail or holder. A towel tag can help your child from mis-identifying their own jacket as well as any child that thinks that their jacket belonsgs to them while it truly is your childs. One way to protect your child from head lice is making sure everyone keeps their coat from the others. 

The Tag Towel people want to offer one lucky person the chance to win their own towel tag set. I feel as if we are all a bit lucky. So, why not?? Why not enter this giveaway and vi to win a tag towel for yourself.

you would not be at this blog trying to win a giveaway if you did not stop by. To keep up with all the on goings from recipes to giveaways at our blog why not connect to our site. For your first entry like me on GFC.

Visit the website for Towel Tags here and let me know in comments some thing something interesting you found on your website. For an extra point visit my blog and let me know what post caught your eye

You may find some awesome ideas on our Facebook page Find us here Likewise you will find great ideas and more information about towel tag on their facebook page

Visit the Pinterest page for Towel Tag as well as Annies Home Pinterest page
We have many friends on twitter and always looking for more I am sure the tweets that Towel Tag sends out are worth while as well. To gain an extra entry tweet about this giveaway using @shopannies 

Good luck, you have several ways to enter the giveaway. Let me know which ones you did in comment. One comment per entry please

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Warning :::: Teen Driver

The 120 days when students are on vacation from school is the deadliest period oftime for teenage drivers. In a 10 year period of time there were 12,000 teens that died in car accidents while behind the wheel. That averages out to be 13 teen deaths a  week during the summer months.This number is too high and may be lowered if we set limits on teen driving. Ensure they know that a license is not a reward for turning a certain age. It demands respect and the driver gains responsibility. Driving at night, weekends,or in inclement weather should be taken seriously as they gain experience

It was several years ago during finals week that three local young ladies were taking a "shortcut" to get back home an back to school as one of them had a report to turn in. The young driver took a turn to close and over corrected. The car was flipped , caught on fire and out of the four girls in the car only one was saved The goal of this post is to never let this happen again.

We should discuss using the car with our teens. Knowing the route your teen will take as well as setting check in times not only allows you to know where your teens are but helps them to gain responsibility. Safety is a subject that should be on the top of every drivers mind. Teens are not the only ones that are inexperienced.

Be safe out there on the road

Tips for Buying The Best Tasting Fruit

I love fruit and when it is in season even better. It seems as if everything has it's own season. I thought I might share a few ways to work with fruit both in season and not. A good friend of mine who has been in culinary school as well as worked in the fruit department of our local grocery store helped me with some great tips.

The fresher the better the old saying goes. For the most part it is very true. With modern farming, processing and delivery finding freshness in our fruit is reachable. The problem to me is how it was processed , what method they used. I also always check to make sure that the canned fruit I purchase hast a light syrup. You can also talk to your produce manager to see when delivery day are to ensure that your veggies have a delicious quality about them. 
Remember that good produce does not have to be picture perfect. While it should have the characteristic color, shape and size bananas for example may have a fuller flavor if they are speckled. Fruits and vegetables that do not look perfect may not show up in your grocery store but they will be found else where and may cost less as well.

Before you buy use your senses to find the best fruit available. Feeling a piece of fruit may tell you ripeness, smelling a fruit should tell you something about taste as well. A strong scent normally means they are ripening as they should and fruit to soft is too ripe.  

When fruit is in season search out your source of local produce You may find a stand along the road or many times there are farmers that have farm stands where the fruit grows. Fresh fruit often has the better taste than those shipped. Grocery stores often have local fruit for sale as well. Here is where being friends with your  produce manager has its perks. Farmers markets are often a great place to purchase local produce 

If you do not know where fruit stands are I have a day trip idea for you. Take a drive on any afternoon and most likely you will find farm families ready to sell their produce. Picked just from home right from the garden, tree or vine. In our area there are many pick your own fruit business and this is not only a good family event but also a way to stock up. 

Buy in season. Here is a short list of what you will find in what season

Summer: apricots, blueberries, cherries, eggplant, fresh herbs, green beans, hot peppers, melon, okra, peaches, plums, sweet corn, sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini.

Fall: apples, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collards, grapes, kale, pears, persimmons, pumpkins, winter squash, yams.

Winter: beets, cabbage, carrots, citrus fruits, daikon radishes, onions, rutabagas, turnips, winter squash.

Spring: asparagus, blackberries, green onions, leeks, lettuces, new potatoes, peas, red radishes, rhubarb, spinach, strawberries, watercress.

How Does Your Garden Grow

Keep in mind that this is your garden. It is your responsibility as well as you get to decide routine, and you make the rules.Grow the plants you want to grow

Find out what plants grow best where. Does the plant need lots of sun or more shade? How much room do they need to move. Do a little bit of research it will help you to make your decision of what to grow and where. 

In some areas there are plants that should all ready be planted. There is still lots of time in other Iareas. My dad always would research and then do a little blue print of the garden plan. 

If you have not shopped for your plants and seeds then get started. You may have a favorite place to buy plants and seeds and others may choose to shop around. 

Hush Those Barking Dogs with this Recipe

Hushpuppy is a cornbread ball. They are small and savory, not to mention deep fried. You will often find them being served  with seafood as well as other deep fried foods Using ground corn in cooking was introduced to the culinary world by Native Americans. The cherokee, chickasaw, choctaw, creek and seminole were the first to cultivate corn and use it as a main staple in their diets. Cornbread was also popular during the American Civil War because it was very cheap and could be made in many different sizes and forms. The legend of the hushpuppies is that they gained their name from confederate soldiers who tossed the fried cornbread to quell the barks of their dogs.

Hushpuppy ingredients include cornmeal, flour, eggs, salt, baking soda, choice of milk or buttermilk, and water. The recipe may also include onion, scallions, garlic, kernel corn, and peppers. Mix the batter to desired thickness and drop by spoonful into hot oil. Fry til crisp and golden brown. Cool and serve.

crab stuffed hushpuppies.

1 cup self-rising white cornmeal mix 
1/2 cup self-rising flour 
3 green onions, thinly sliced 
1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper 
1 tablespoon sugar 
1/4 teaspoon salt
8 ounces fresh lump crabmeat, picked
1 large egg
3/4 cup beer
Vegetable oil

Stir together cornmeal mix, flour, green onions, bell pepper, sugar, and salt in a large bowl. Stir in crabmeat, egg, and beer until just moistened. Let stand 10 minutes. Pour oil to depth of 2 inches into a Dutch oven; heat to 360°. Drop batter by tablespoonfuls into hot oil, and fry, in batches, 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown, turning once. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Important Talks

The goal of parents is to bring awareness to our children of dangers out there It is our job to direct their paths and along the way have some serious talks. One of the most important talks that we can have with our children is one about sex. With the world as it is sometimes this talk comes sooner than we expect but along the way we may have several to help our children understand the dangers in the world.

one of the best tools that helped me have this talk with our children was the church. Our church has lessons for children as well as adults to help all understand the dangers of sex. The silver ring thing helps students to stay innocent until their marriage date. If a time comes when the talk of virginity passes it then becomes the time to discusses the dangers involved with sex. One of these is STD's

Summer is a time for love. It is a good thing as long as that love is safe and we are all prepared. April is STD awareness month. While it may not be a comfortable conversation with our children it is a very important conversation to have We are there to protect our children in all things and the dangers of STD's is something that can harm our children when they have no knowledge or are scared to discuss any issues with adults in their lives.