Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Warning :::: Teen Driver

The 120 days when students are on vacation from school is the deadliest period oftime for teenage drivers. In a 10 year period of time there were 12,000 teens that died in car accidents while behind the wheel. That averages out to be 13 teen deaths a  week during the summer months.This number is too high and may be lowered if we set limits on teen driving. Ensure they know that a license is not a reward for turning a certain age. It demands respect and the driver gains responsibility. Driving at night, weekends,or in inclement weather should be taken seriously as they gain experience

It was several years ago during finals week that three local young ladies were taking a "shortcut" to get back home an back to school as one of them had a report to turn in. The young driver took a turn to close and over corrected. The car was flipped , caught on fire and out of the four girls in the car only one was saved The goal of this post is to never let this happen again.

We should discuss using the car with our teens. Knowing the route your teen will take as well as setting check in times not only allows you to know where your teens are but helps them to gain responsibility. Safety is a subject that should be on the top of every drivers mind. Teens are not the only ones that are inexperienced.

Be safe out there on the road


  1. I wish driving was more affordable in the UK, they can drive at 18 but lessons are expensive, the tests are horrendous and insurance is thousands of pounds . We are rearing a generation of non drivers which blights any chance of them getting a job

  2. wow, why does it blight their chance of getting jobs. While my husband and children drive I do not and nor have I ever had a drivers license yet worked for nearly 30 years. I hope that this situation gets better for you


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