Thursday, November 3, 2016

National Homemaker Day

Hats off to housewives every where. It is one of the toughest jobs any where. Responsibility and activity are two requirements of the job of a housewife. Long hours without pay is demanded and the day may start at sunrise and continue til bedtime. While there may be a break sometime during the day it is normally taken while doing another chore such as folding laundry. 

For many families the housewife is also in charge of having food on the table at proper times. Creating and keeping a budget may also be a responsibility of the housewife. It is the creativity , resourceful and patience of the housewife that will help ensure the home will continue to run smoothly. 

Outside the home the housewife will attend school meetings and participate in community activities. The demand is real and the career starts the moment they decide to build a family. The workload will increase the children and the family grows. Retirement only comes if one chooses as the homemaker can continue on taking care of the family as it grows. 

The hard work is often unappreciated or simply taken for granted. The family knows who is doing the work and does like it but thank-you's do not come often or as often as they should. The washing, cleaning, ironing, cooking, caring for pets and children, granny sitting, tutoring, shopping, entertaining and the list goes on as the function of the homemaker continues. The true pay comes in the love and happiness that comes from doing a great job keeping it all together. 

Some ideas to make doing housework more fun include

doing karoke while cleaning the toilet

buy new oven mits that will make you feel better about cooking

don a cute bandanna for cleaning in today

have kids join in on cleaning fun

put on a sexy black dress and make your sweet heart up some supper

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