Monday, November 7, 2016

Epilepsy Awareness and Safety Steps

Recently at a birthday party I was fully introduced to excitement of someone having a epileptic seizure. I am a health care worker and there fore had knowledge of what to expect but when it happens to someone you love it is very different. The seizure lasted only a few minutes before stopping all the time I was minding not to let her hit her head or bite her tongue  There are many other seizures that last from a few seconds to a few minutes. Sometimes you may not know that someone is having a seizure as they simply pass out or stare into space while muscles stiffen and twitch. No warning is given it can happen at any time and there are more than 65 million people around the world who live with epilepsy. 

The authorities in the U.S. believe that there are 2.2 million people estimated to have epilepsy. In addition, there are around 1 in 26 people that will develop epilepsy sometime during their life. Epilepsy does not discriminate and anyone can develop the condition, very young and very old individuals have the most risk. More than 300,000 children under 15 and more than 570,000 adults over 65 live with the condition. Ranked as the 4th largest and most common neurological disorder in the U.S. epilepsy is still the least understood and studied. This is the reason we celebrate National Epilepsy Awareness month to bring attention to the condition. 

Individuals with epilepsy should always carry medical identification. In the case of an emergency knowledge of seizure disorder can help those around you to keep you safe and provide appropriate treatment. Make sure your family, friends and co-workers know what to do if you have a seizure. 

Keep your self safe as you never know when a seizure may happen. Avoid high places, mowing, working around machinery or hot appliances. Like many other health illnesses keeping active will help with epilepsy. When seizures are under control life can become more normal but remember to always take a buddy that knows of your seizures with you. 

Anticonvulsant medication that you have been given should be taken as prescribed. Do not suddenly stop taking or change the dosage without consulting your doctor. Stay alert to possible drug interactions with both prescribed and over the counter medications. It is important as well to stay away from alcohol.

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