Saturday, August 6, 2016

How To Blanch and Freeze Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

Recently I shared here on annies home about allowing our fresh produce extra shelf life. If the extra time it allowed us is not enough then you may want to consider freezing the produce that you do not use. Freezing fruits and vegetables allows us more time to use them and not let them go bad. 

First off lets learn a bit about blanching. You will need a medium to large pot big enough to hold 8 to 10 cups of water. For every 8 cups of water you will want to add 1/2 Tbsp to the pot. You will want a bowl of ice water waiting. 

bring salted water to a rapid boil. Place one piece of your choice of fruit or vegetable in water for 30 seconds minimum and not more than 3 minutes. The time will depend on density. The goal is to cook fruit quickly or remove vegetable or fruit skins. The process of cooking is stopped by transferring the cooked vegetable or fruit to an ice bath. You will want to drain and dry the piece before eating or continuint to cook. Fruits and vegetables normally blanched include:

  • Tomatoes: to remove skins and to cook them slightly
  • Fruit: such as peaches, when you want to remove the peel quickly
  • Green beans: for a crunchy snack or before you sauté in an herbed butter
  • Tomatillos: before adding to a salsa or to make a quick pureed sauce to top fish or chicken
  • Broccoli: as an alternative to steaming or just before you add them to a veggie fried rice or pasta dish
  • Zucchini: when making stuffed zucchini boats, before they get stuffed and placed into the oven to bake
  • Fresh green peas: to maintain their color and texture before a quick sauté in mint and butter
  • Collard greens: before using them in a pesto or as a fun burrito wrapper

When blanching fruit and vegetable to freeze you will want to do this quickly. Heavy weight, air tight containers or freezer bags should be used. Fill the bags to the top and remove all air as possible to seal. .

Freezing fruits and veggies as soon as possible will help to avoid the mushiness when thawed. Freeze at coldest temperature as possible. 

shared at
plant based party


  1. Thank you, I will have to try this sometime!

  2. These are such helpful tips! I grew up in a home with a backyard garden, so I spent a lot of time freezing and blanching garden produce.I am so glad you shared tips for blanching and freezing fresh fruit and vegetables with us at the Plant-Based Potluck Party. I'm pinning and sharing.


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