Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dishtowel Apron

One of the first things I purchased for my home many years ago was dish towels and rags. They came in nice little packs and since that time I continue to look for colorful kitchen linens.They have so many uses than just dishes:

Drape them over the cabinet so  that they look homey and are ready for accidental spills. Dishtowels are perfect for drying your hands after washing. 

Another great way to use dishtowels is to make a kitchen apron. Very handy, easy to clean and perfect for hands or protecting yourself while cooking. To make one  first select a towel of comfortable size and length. You will also need about 1 and 1/2 yards of ribbon. Wash and Iron the dish towels. Fold the ribbon width wise and iron to set crease. Sew the ribbon lengthwise on to the apron making sure the apron end is snug with crease. Sew the ends of the ribbon into triangles to avoid fraying

Cut the towel to 19 inches in length, discard the shorter piece, and zigzag-stitch the cut edge.

About 1/4 inch from the cut edge, baste-stitch so you can pull the thread to create a slight gather.

Iron the two strips of interfacing to the wrong side of the 5″ x 17″ waistband so they are centered and abut each other in the middle.

Find the center of the waistband and the center of the apron (by folding each in half and marking with a pin) and then pin the right side of the waistband to the wrong side of the apron, matching these center pins. Sew using a 1/2-inch seam allowance. The waistband will extend beyond the sides of the apron–that’s ok.

Iron the waistband, turning 1/2″ under on the top and sides.

stitch waistband in placeFold the waistband in half over the top to the front, covering the seam beneath. The waistband width will measure 2 inches finished. Iron, pin and top-stitch the bottom edge of the waistband in place. Leave the sides of the waistband open. The sides of the waistband will extend about 1/2″ beyond the apron on both sides.

ties with pleatsFor the ties, fold each 5″ x 28″ piece of fabric in half lengthwise right sides together. Using a 1/4″ seam, sew along one short end and then the long edge. Leave the other short end open. Clip the corner and trim, turn inside out through the open end and press with an iron. Fold the open end to create a small pleat.

insert tie into waistbandInsert this pleated tie end into the open end of the waistband. Pin in place, adjusting the pleat so the tie fills this open end smoothly. Top-stitch the seam shut, making sure to catch the back side of the waistband.

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