Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Uakaris

I am joining in the fun at ABC Wednesday.... You can to at Mrs. Nessbitt

The letter of the day is U

My choice after looking through many u words is one that I was not familiar with. The word is Uakaris. It may be a odd word but this word is the name of a species of monkey and I love monkeys just never knew that he or she existed.

The uakaris is a new world monkey with a rather short tail and a body covered with long, loose hair. Its face is skeletal like and bald on top. The Uakaris are found in North Western Amazon Basin. There are 4 species (1) bald, (2) black headed (3) Neblina and (4) Araca They will be found in small groups and larger troops number up to 100 as well. Their diets are made up of fruit, nuts, buds and leaves. 


  1. Unique red face, too!

    abcw team

  2. wonderful creature indeed, and very good and educative choice for this weeks letter.

    Have a nice abcwednes-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  3. I have learnt something new today!I had never heard of this monkey before.
    Thanks for your contribution.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  4. Wow she has a rosy complexion!!


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