Wednesday, June 1, 2016

All The Rain Means More in the Lagoon

I decided with all the rain we had been having to go check out the park lagoon to see how the water was rising. The princess and Sir went with me. I simply love the stone bridge and can remember many times hanging out on that bridge with my husband then my boyfriend simply sitting there chatting with friends. So, why not take the two little ones to one of my favorite spots in the  park. 

The princess as always was ready to take some great pictures. Never have to ask her more than once 

Finally Sir, the goofball of the bunch, decided that he would take a selfie and so he did. 

participating in
water world wednesday
Wednesday Waters


  1. So sweet. Looks like they enjoyed your special place.
    Thank you for joining us on The Maple Hill Hop!

  2. ooks like a lovely spot. Can you swim in the lagoon?


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