Friday, April 15, 2016

Animal Cruelty Month

April is animal cruelty month. It is a month to bring awareness to a growing problem. Whether it is pitting dogs against each other in dog fights or over populating because of not spading or neutering your pet animal cruelty is wrong. Our family loves animals and in fact we have 2 dogs that we consider family members. We have been given the job to protect the earth and those that live on it.

"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (Genesis 2:15)  


  1. I didn't know it was Animal Cruelty Month! It saddens me that things like this still happen. :[ Will be spending lots of time helping out at my local animal rescue this/next month!

  2. It is so unfortunate that we live in a world where this month exists. I can't believe people people could ever be cruel to animals.

    1. I so know what you mean, too many times we turn our heads and don't want to think about things like this. The sad truth is it happens more than we know


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