Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts

Homemade Strawberry Pop Tarts
...a special sweet treat for those you love!
You can make these little cutie pies in any shape
and fill with your favorite jam or preserves.

Homemade Pie Crust or Store-Bought
Favorite Preserves
Vanilla Icing Glaze
Roll-out pie crust and cut with desired shape or in the traditional rectangle.
Place 1 T preserves in the center of one little pie top with matching crust.
Seal the edges with a fork.
Bake @ 400 for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
Drizzle with glaze and decorate with sprinkles.

Vanilla Icing Glaze
Mix 1 cup confectioner's sugar with 1 T of milk at a time
 until the consistency of a drizzle - add 1 t vanilla.


  1. Oh how fun! My kids would absolutely love these.

  2. These look so yummy! My husband loves pop tarts!

  3. So easy and fun!! I do this all the time and they are 100% successful!! Thanks for the timely reminder to do this for Valentine's Day!

  4. OMG these look delicious. I can imagine having one with a milky cup of coffee!

  5. I have never warmed up to pop tarts at all...maybe because of my Caribbean upbringing where we eat real food for breakfast

  6. I love strawberry tarts can't wait to try these out!

  7. I am a huge poptart fan. I can't wait to try these!

  8. yummy! These would be great for valentines! Thank you!

  9. These look yummy! My kids are big fans of pop tarts. I've never tried making a homemade version though. This might need to be next on the "to bake" list.

  10. That's an awesome idea! Why not just make pop tarts at home. I love that you can customize it!

  11. Looks yummy and delicious. This would be perfect this coming February.

  12. I love strawberries so much. This recipe looks amazing.

  13. This looks like a delightful snack to make for yourself on the less expensive side! Thanks.

  14. i really enjoy pop tarts so i might just have to make this for myself. they look so darling

  15. I just bought some store bought ones tonight, so now I won't have to do that anymore. This is great!

  16. I'll bet these taste really good. And so much better than the ones in the box.

  17. I love pop tarts! I've got to try your recipe.

  18. What a cute idea! I've never made my own pop tarts before. My kids love them though.

  19. These are my total weakness but I've never tried to make them before! Yum!


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