Sunday, October 28, 2012

sunday stealing

1) What do you think is the best costume for Halloween?

love creativity seems like those costumes are more fun and surprising

2) What would an alien think of humans if it came to Earth on Halloween?

I believe they would think this planet is multicultural with so many odd individuals

3) Who Would you haunt?

my hubby lol

4) Are you afraid of the dark?

nope not the dark it is what is in the dark

5) Do you pass out candy, or hide with the lights off?

normally we pass out candy if at home

6) What Scary movie do you like best?

not a big fan of scary movies but watch them with the hubby

7) If you had to wear a costume for a week, what would you be?

I want to be the boss

8) What do you think about Ouija boards?

dont like them think they are the tool of the devil

9) Have you ever told ghost stories around a fire?

yes and this was always fun

10) Trick? or Treat?

depends on who , where, when and what, love treats but fun to trick others at times as well

11) Have you ever been in a haunted house?


12) What would you do if you saw a ghost?

ask it what it was doing there

13) Question 13, should we have skipped this and jumped to 14?

well if you do not like the number 13 for the unluckiest reasons

14) Are you brave enough to walk into a grave yard after dark on Halloween?

have before and believe it was not all that scary

15) Do you like chocolate? what kind:

love all chocolate not a big fan of dark chocolate

16) Who would look better in a clown costume? Obama or Romney?

wow tough one I can see them both as clowns

17) Are you in the path of Frankenstorm?

do not believe so

18) Post a link to any other blog:

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