Sunday, July 22, 2012

This Date In History and a sweet Treat enjoyed during the time in History

July 22, 1868 the 14th amendment was adopted and made part of the U.S. constitution. Two years after the Civil War, the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 divided the South into five military districts, where new state governments, based on universal manhood suffrage, were to be established. Thus began the period known as Radical Reconstruction, which saw the 14th Amendment, which had been passed by Congress in 1866, ratified in July 1868. The amendment resolved pre-Civil War questions of African American citizenship by stating that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States...are citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside." The amendment then reaffirmed the privileges and rights of all citizens, and granted all these citizens the "equal protection of the laws."

A treat that may have been enjoyed during this time period in history would have been rock candy. I can remember my grandmother making rock candy and presenting it as sort of a science experiment. The after math was a sweet hard treat that was ooohh so good

  • 6 cups cold water
  • 6 cups white sugar
  1. Prepare your candy growing area by thoroughly cleaning and drying a 2 quart jar. You will need a place for it to rest undisturbed for about 2 weeks.
  2. In a large bowl, place the water. Dissolve sugar in water, a little at a time, stirring each time until sugar is completely dissolved, until no more sugar can be incorporated. Pour sugar water into clean jar and place a bamboo skewer in the jar, being sure the top sticks out over the surface of the water. Cover with a cloth, to keep out dust, and let rest until all water is evaporated and crystals have formed on the skewer, several days.
  3. NOTE: For larger crystals, try "seeding" them, by wetting your skewer and rolling it in sugar before placing it in the sugar water. Be sure not to disturb the crystals as they are growing.

I Heart Nap Time

Made By you Monday
Crafty Confessions


  1. Weddings are always suc tearful events! I enjoyed the history tid bits. Rock candy is one of those so-so candies I liked when I was younger. I love hard candy, but rock candy I can take it or leave it either way. I really appreciated the recipe, though. This could be a fun thing to do one day, especially after any grandkids come into the picture. This may be many years down the road, though. By the way, you've been selected as Monday's Music Moves Me spotlight dancer this week! It's time to par-tay! =D

  2. Interesting bit of history and what fun to read about the candy of the that time period! As a child I loved loved loved rock candy (not sure where to find it anymore) and now there is a fun way to make it myself! Thank you for sharing at The "Sunday Stop"

  3. I loved rock candy as a child. I haven't had it in years - maybe I'll make some this holiday season. Visiting from Sunday Showcase - Have a wonderful week!

  4. These are so beautiful and a great recipe. I can't wait to try it. I have a blog hop on Wednesdays, and would love to have you link this tomorrow.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above


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