Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hammock Day celebrated July 22

June 22 is national hamock day. ummer is in full swing. It's time to slow down and to relax. During the Dog Days of summer (and all of the other summer days, too), there is no better place to slow down and relax, than on a hammock.
Hammock Day is appropriately celebrated right in the middle of the Dog Days of summer (July 3 though August 11th.
Hammock Day exists to enjoy summer as it should be enjoyed. People celebrate Hammock Day by spending as much time relaxing on it as possible. Getting out of your hammock to get a snack, or your favorite summer beverage is okay. But, it is not a day for work. Cutting the lawn is forbidden on this day.
 The roots of Hammock Day and Hammock Day history is largely unknown. Maybe the originator was too busy napping on his or her hammock!? (holiday

I can remember when we bought my dad a hammock for his birthday/fathers day. It was meant for him but I believe that us kids used it more than him. Do you have a Hammock? Do you enjoy using it? 


  1. Looks like I missed Hammock Day...darn... too bad, but since I don't have a hammock, I guess it doesn't matter too much. Cute post. Thanks for stopping over at Quirky Vistas to comment on my treasure trove. Glad you came by and hope you'll be by again!

  2. Love that wedding photo - and love the song, too.

    Hammock Day? Now I wish we still had our hammock! :)

    Congrats on your spotlight dance! Have a great week, Annie! :)

    Musta Had A Good Time some Beers Ago but I Just Wanna Rock ‘N Roll and Cruise since I’m The Fastest Girl In Town, but I’m not 5-1-5-0!

  3. I love rock candy!! What a fun memory of your grandmother making this for you! What a lucky kid! I've been meaning to make this for my own kids!


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