Monday, November 21, 2011

Meet Me Monday

1. I wish I had more time to _________?
2. What is your favorite kind of soup?

3. Where will you eat Thanksgiving dinner?
4. What is your favorite time of day?
5. Did you start Christmas shopping yet?

1. capture lasting moments of my children and grandchildren
2. well chilli but if that is not a soup then veggie soup
3. our house we have to work but we will put a dinner together
4. when I work it is time to go home and when I am off any time I can spend with my teens
5. yes , many months ago


  1. I love reading about all the early Christmas shoppers! I m not alone!

  2. I started my Christmas shopping months ago too. It makes it easier on the budget that way & you beat all that rushing about in December.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post