Monday, November 21, 2011

Anti Procrastination Tuesdays

This week is a busy holiday week being that is the week of Thanksgiving. My son is coming home from college and I hope to have some moments of time with him. I realize that he is getting older and mom is having to take sort of a second burner but I also love to be part of his life. I will work thanksgiving day and will be bring ham to our potluck at work. My son also works and I will be sure to save him a plate from my work party since his shift will not be having a potluck. I will also have to pick up the Thanksgiving fixings for our house as well. Thank goodness for the deli at Krogers as they will be making the Turkey for me. I will make the rest of the feasting goodies. We all know that after we eat there will be clean up and Yes!!! Some black Friday shopping

whats on your list?


  1. I wish to take a part in that kind of meaningful activities but can't manage time for them.

  2. Really nice post after reading i can say that your post is awesome.

  3. Moms are always be a special part of her kids life. Your son also thinking you as his precious gift.


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