Friday, November 25, 2011

friday fragments

Mommy's Idea

This week has been quite a busy one, and as busy as it was I was as slugish as can be I have been suffering from a headcold, sore throat and cough. Why does it always seem when there is so much to be done I went shopping on Tuesday, oh my the stores were a mess and the thing is I think we all decided to go on Tuesday rather than the day before Thanksgiving to miss the crowds. Bad decision as we all seemed to make the same one. The shopping done I had to work the day before and the day of Thanksgiving so the dishes were made 1/2 by myself and 1/2 by my husband and teens. We made it all come together and I loved the fact that we worked together to get it all done. So super happy. What was your Thanksgiving like? I do realize that it is a U.S. custom so if you would just share the last time your family came together and had a great meal.


  1. We had a pretty good Thanksgiving; somewhat quiet, but it was good!

  2. Grocery shopping any time the week before Christmas is mayhem... and the few days afterward is pretty crazy too. You just can't win.

  3. Our Thanksgiving was nice--We went to my brother's, so I only had to make one dish (Berry Mallow Bake). I went shopping Wednesday and today--Very busy place, that mall...

    Hope you're feeling better!!


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