Friday, November 25, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Is there a special dish you prepare that you are famous for?

I taught myself to make dressing a few  years ago and that I am very pleased with because others compliment

2. Are you (did you) go Black Friday shopping ?

have before but this year doing more online shopping

3. What are your strangest holiday traditions?
can't think of any strange traditions we have special breakfast, share our thankful list and prepare for santa

4. Pecan or pumpkin pie? (She actually asked "Apple or pumpkin?" I just T-giving'ed it!)

pumpkin pie

5. When will you put up your Christmas tree?

first weekend in december

1 comment:

  1. I'm famous for making Matzo Stuffing for Thanksgiving.
    No, no Black Friday shopping for me. TOO crowded!
    Strangest tradition? We put red bows on the collars of our yellow labs, Lexi and Troy.
    PECAN pie!
    Christmas tree goes up tomorrow! (Early for me!) :)


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