Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful For Gaining Weight

If you all have visited my blog before then you all know that my little prince of a grandson is 3 (three) weeks old today and that he has been having trouble with losing weight due to reflux. Well I am thankful because just this week he visited the doctor and his mommy called and told me that he had gained 13 oz. YEAH!!! What a blessing God is so good and allows us some of the best blessings. This is just one of the many things but probably the sweetest thing that I am thankful for what are you thankful for this week?


  1. Awww that is wonderful. I know exactly how it is not having a child gain weight. I'm thankful for my family and hoping all is ok with both of their appointments next week.

  2. Thanks be to God! Here's to more good news on the little guy...


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