Thursday, March 3, 2011

ABC Thursday = the letter U

The Underdog one of my favorite cartoons from the past is also my letter U entry into

Jenny Matlock


  1. Here I come to save the day!!! I loved Underdog too but now I wonder about the "pill" that he took to become Underdog????

  2. Not sure I ever saw that show growing up...BUT I am always a fan of the underdog so I know I would have liked it....

  3. Well, I remember Underdog! And that pill? Could it have been Viagra? Just wonderin'!

  4. I loved watching Underdog as a child. I always wanted to be Sweet Polly Purebred...and now I have her white hair!

  5. I always loved this show!

    Thanks for a wonderful memory and smile on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "U".

    This was wonderful!



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