Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vintage Christmas Ornaments

I sometimes believe I was born in the wrong time period because while items in todays world are nice I would rather have the old fashioned decorations any day. Here are a few great ornaments that I found some of which I have and others that I wish I did

The old glass ornaments that came in a variety of shapes and sizes. I do have a few of these as I found them at a local junk shop

These are old bubble candles. Many consider them to old fashioned and a bit dangerous. I love them when the lights are off all except for the tree lights and these candle lights get hot enough to boil cute little bubbles. My mother still has a set of these and they are something that I wish I did

Elves or sprites have been a part of my famly Christmas trees far back as I can remember I still have some on my tree, my mother had some on hers and my grandmother also had elves on her tree

Do you have any old fashioned or vintage ornaments on your tree? This post shared on the blog Funky Junks  shared also on also linked to


  1. I love these vintage ornaments. I do not have any like that. I have lots of home made ones. Thanks for stopping over. Have a great day!

  2. I love them! I have one like the bell with the pink stripes. I'll be posting my "vintage tree" soon. The little elves are sooo cute - almost tempts me to start another collection, but I just have no more space to store them! I love bubble lights, and have a string of the reproduction ones, but I don't think they work as well as the ones I remember on our tree when I was a child. Thank you so much for linking these special ornaments to Favorite Things. laurie


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