Saturday, December 4, 2010

Being a Diabic at Christmas Time

Being a diabetic at this time of year is not always easy. While we have no problem admiring the decorations, enjoying the wonderful music or visiting with loved ones it is the extra munchies that are around that can get us quickly. Here are some tips from the article by Medicine Net that may help out
1.Pick and choose your battles.

2.When confronted with holiday delights, realize that you are human and proceed accordingly.

3.Pick the one item you absolutely must splurge and put a small amount of it on your plate, guilt free. But now, remember that it is on your plate and avoid the other things on that buffet table that you don't really want or need.

4.Fill your plate will healthy things (you'll always find veggies).

5.If you know ahead of time that you will be in a situation of temptation, plan your day accordingly. Eat healthy at home and consider filling up on good nutritious foods before you go out, in order to minimize cravings.

6.When going to a dinner party, there is certainly no reason why you shouldn't let your host/hostess know of any dietary restrictions you may have in advance. Most people appreciate knowing there are any specific needs so that they can make their guests comfortable. It may be something as simple as setting out an artificial sweetener with the coffee.

7.Another important thing to remember is that alcohol does have calories and can interfere with medications. If you have specific questions about how much you can drink on certain medicines, don't hesitate to ask your physician or pharmacist.

8.In addition, if you are on insulin, you may want to speak with your physician about how to plan ahead for situations in which your carbohydrate intake may increase. Together, you can decide if an increase in short-acting insulin should be used in certain situations.

9.Remember if you become ill with a cough or cold over the holidays, some OTC medicines have a lot of sugar or may react with medications you are currently taking. Ask your doctor or pharmacist what the best choices are to make sure you won't suffer serious drug reactions.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. Everyone in my family is diabetic, I have been spared so far. It is the snacks and what nots that I don't think about, but this has reminded me.


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