Friday, December 24, 2010

Tracking Santa

It seems as if this is the Christmas at our house that there are no little children. To me children help make the Christmas season extra bright. My sister in law and brothers children will be home with their parents waiting for Santa to come for a visit and Princess will attend church tonight with her family and be at her home I am not sure if she realizes all about Santa or not but yet she will be nestled in her bed waiting to open presents in the morning as well. This year our youngest at home will be 17 years old, not much of a baby anymore. When they were little though it was a blast we would have to check radar on the internet to see how close Santa was to the house and as it grew closer to bed time the times for checking grew in occurance.

My Aloha Friday Question for you is:

Do you and your child have any system for checking for Santa and his reindeer?

Aloha Friday is hosted by the blog An Island Life each friday and is a place where bloggers can visit and have fun by asking easy to answer questions that require easy answers


  1. Princess Nagger and I go online and check to see where Santa is - she thinks it's pretty cool there's a radar tracker! :) Merry Christmas!

    Aloha: Christmas Dinner

  2. My kids are too old right now for that. I'm not sure they ever believed 100% anyway.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I don't have any kids yet.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. We'll probably leave cookies out to see if he eats any - that's about it :)

  5. nope, Parker is only 2 and doesn't get the whole santa thing....I plan as he gets older to make it be a little more obvious to parents used to leave hay in the front lawn and make "hoof prints" and then of course they'd eat the cookies and milk, we'd leave carrots for the reindeer so you'd see carrot trails...

  6. No we don't have a system. If they get interested in something like that, I'm sure we'll find something online to play around with.

    Merry Christmas!

  7. We look for tracks in the snow and the Santa Tracker online.


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