Friday, December 24, 2010

Orange Dreamsicle Fudge

I just love fudge it is so good but oh so sweet When I was growing up I only thought there was one type of fudge and that was moms chocolate Now that I am older I realize that there are so many other different types I hope you enjoy this fudge recipe for Orange Dreamsicl Fudge

34 Cup Butter (1 1/2 sticks)

3 cups sugar

1 5 oz can evaporated milk (2/3 cup)

1 12 oz package vanilla chips

1 7 oz jar Marshmallow Crème

1 ½ tea. orange flavoring (extract)

Orange food coloring

3/4 Cup Butter (1 1/2 sticks)

3 cups sugar

1 5 oz can evaporated milk (2/3 cup)

1 12 oz package vanilla chips

1 7 oz jar Marshmallow Crème

1 ½ tea. orange flavoring (extract)

Orange food coloring

Butter a 13 X 9 or 9 X 9 pan. On MEDIUM HEAT, melt butter in heavy 3 quart sauce pan. Add sugar and milk, stir until combined. Cover pan to wash down sides of pan. Remove lid. Stir often with a plastic or wooden spoon to prevent burning. Heat to a Soft Ball Stage, 234 degrees at sea level. ** Decrease recommended temperature 2 degrees for every 1,000 feet above sea level, or use a cold water test. Remove from heat, gradually stir in chips until melted, add marshmallow crème and flavoring. Stir until combined. Pour half of the fudge into the butter pan. Add orange food coloring to the remaining fudge, stir to combine. Pour orange fudge over white fudge. With a knife swirl the two colors together. Let cool at room temperature. Cut into squares to serve.

** Strawberry and Cream, just use strawberry extract and red food coloring

** Chocolate Fudge, just use semi-sweet chocolate chips instead of vanilla chips. Use 1 tsp. vanilla extract instead of flavoring. Add 1 cup chopped nuts, if desired.

** Candy Cane Fudge – Add 1/3 Cup crushed "soft" candy cane, then use peppermint extract and red food coloring.



  1. Oh yummy, I may have to try this. Wishing you and your family a very MERRY Christmas. Happy holidays!

  2. This is lovely! I love orange flavor desserts. :) Just made some Orange-Chocolate Meringue Kisses and hope you like that too.

  3. Your fudge looks yummy! I'm featuring you this week for Friday Favorites! Thanks for linking up! Hope you'll link up again!

  4. Oh my gosh! This looks absolutely delicious!!! I can't wait to try it!

  5. This sounds absolutely fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I don't know which one to try first!!


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