Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Making Beauiful Music

These two young men seen here practicing their guitars now play thier guitars to please the Lord on Sunday mornings at our church. I have watched them grow up, grow in their faith and grow in their talent

also shared on 5 minutes for mom wordless wednesday


  1. And what handsome boys they are too. So great that they can be involved like that at church too.

  2. Nice picture. How amazing it must have been to watch them grow and now play at your church!

  3. Thats great! I've secretly always wanted to know how to play guitar so I could play in church! Good for them!!

  4. I like this! There is something special about watching kids grow up and develop into who they were meant to be.

  5. You've captured a wonderful moment. They look like they are having a great time!


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