Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Watery Wednesday : At the River

Last weekend I had a great time with friends one place that we visited was the river in Metropolis Illinois. I thought I would share with you a few of the great pictures that helped to capture the memories.

The wide expansive river how lovely it looks. Calm on this day but sometimes wild and unexpected on others. The river seems to roll on and on and the shore line on the other side looks so far away.

This is my hubby without him there the trip would not of been the same. He is funny and talkative and just loving. Of course I may be partial.

These two here are great friends. Not only is the dude in red my hubby's brother but they are also great friends of ours. No he is not drinking but rather recycling.


  1. Great photos my friend. :) Everyone should recycle. :)

  2. I do love the expanse of the is not unlike some of ours here in British Columbia. Great photos you got...and time shared with people you care about makes every day better!


  3. I love rivers and you are so right, they can be so calm and at other times not so calm.
    Hugs, Cindy


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