Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ABC Wednesday starring the letter I

With the letter of the day being the letter I there is no other way than to share with you all abou the great state from which I have lived my entire life the state of Illinois. Illinois is home to coal miners and farmers as well as business people and others. One odd fact about the part of Illinois I live in is that Shawneetown, a city in the southern part of Illinois was once a wonderful well functioning town that refused to buy bonds to help Chicago rebuild. They believed that the town of Chicago would never be anything. Boy did they have that pegged wrong.


  1. Excellent my friend. Very well done. Thanks for the info and sharing this :)

  2. Of COURSE! Does this mean you might do Indiana next go round? ;-)

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. Love Chicago, sorry its the only place I have been in your state. Nice people too.

  4. You'll have the alphabet covered with all the States, tricky with the Z but America has some interesting and evocative town names, like the one you quote.

  5. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn't it? LOL!

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part this week!


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