Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tackle It Tuesday: Washing Bed Linens

hosted by 5 minutes for mom

Today I will be washing bed linens. We do this once a week because (1) fresh sheets always feel great and (2) helps cut down on allergies in our house. We have 2 sets of sheets for our beds this allows us to rotate sheets and the beds are made whenever we are not in them. However on bed changing day we do let the bed air a few hours before putting clean sheets on. It normally does not take a full cycle of my dryer to completly dry linens. It is best if you take the linens direclty out of the dryer and fold them right away this cuts down on wrinkles. However, if the sheets do wrinkle one great way to get them out is to dry the linens with a wet sock or washcloth for 10 minutes. Taking care of your bed sheets and linens will help you to get a more fully rested sleep. In the summer time I love to hang my bed linens outside on the line they come in smelling so great.


  1. We can hang our sheets year round. I love the smell of them that way :)


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