Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cooking Veggies Tips

It is that time of year where the wonderful veggies can be grown in the garden. Veggies of course are cooked year round and are even canned but here are a few tips when cooking those veggies

to keep cauliflower white while cooking, add a little milk to the water

instead of adding salt to the corn when cooking add a bit of sugar, while the salt will harden the kernels the sugar will soften or keep them soft

to absorb the order of cooking cabbage place a small tin cup or can half full of vinegar on the stove near the cabbage.

to bake faster soak in cold water for 20 minutes

Let raw potatoes stand in cold water for at least a 1/2 hour before frying then dry before adding to oil This will help improve the crispness of the french fried potatoes.

for more kitchen tips you can visit Tammy's Recipe

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! I think I'll try that potato one soon. The cabbage one is good, too. I wonder if it would work for Brussels sprouts, LOL?


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